Bryan Slaton thought he could survive.

Inside the plot to mislead the Texas GOP and save the groomer of a teenager serving in the Texas House of Representatives.

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In the shadowy realm of secrets and subterfuge within the far-right in Texas, their plots and conspiring largely remain hidden, buried beneath layers of deception. Today, we are peeling back those layers, and begin unraveling the tangled web woven by those with a vested interest in concealing the truth.

In this exclusive exposé, we bring you accounts of several Texans with knowledge of the far-rights covert maneuvers, clandestine meetings, and whispered conversations that tried to lay the groundwork to keep Representative Bryan Slaton in office.

The time has come to uncover the secrets that the far-right hoped would remain hidden.

Slaton's inappropriate conduct

On Saturday May 6, the General Investigation Committee released its final report on Rep. Bryan Slaton's conduct. The report highlighted several instances of Rep. Slaton's behavior, which he did not dispute. The Committee unanimously recommended his expulsion, and a vote will take place on Tuesday before the entire House of Representatives. A two-thirds majority is necessary for his removal.

  • The committee concluded Representative Slaton was to have engaged in, "both inappropriate physical behavior and having sexual intercourse with a legislative aide working in his state office and over whom he had primary responsibility for overseeing and who was unable to give effective consent.".
  • That Slaton actively was "engaging in harassment prohibited by law, specifically retaliation, by attempting to prevent any person with direct knowledge of relevant facts from speaking to anyone about Slaton's conduct."

Slaton flagrantly misused his power over a subordinate, and brazenly warned of reprisals against anyone who dared to reveal his misconduct.

Timeline of Events

"19-year-old" : Representative Slaton's 19 year old female legislative staffer.
"other female staffer": The female employee whom the 19 year old staffer disclosed the sexual relationship with.

March 2023

  • During the House Membership football game, "[Slaton] would go off from the group and that on the bus Slaton was handing [his female employee] alcoholic drinks."
  • Slaton's behavior was obvious enough that "[the legislative staffer] was concerned enough to address the matter with [the 19 year old], telling her that "people are starting to notice" her close interactions with Slaton.

March 31, 2023

  • Slaton called the 19-year-old and invited her over to his apartment to "have some drinks and hang out."
  • The 19-year-old told the committee that she "consumed a lot of alcohol" and felt "pretty rough," "really dizzy," and had "double vision." She believed she was drunk after consuming alcohol at Slaton's condo."
  • The 19-year-old told the other female staffer that she and Slaton had sex in various places throughout his apartment and that it went on the entire night. They did not use a condom.
  • The 19-year-old admitted, "it felt weird to have sex with him [Slaton] with pictures of his wife in the apartment".
  • At some point after the 19-year-old and Representative Slaton had sex, he told her, "I'm not scared of anyone else. You know you own me now."

April 1, 2023

  • In the morning, Representative Slaton and the 19-year-old changed the Representative's bedsheets to wash the blood out.
  • Following their bed-making, Representative Slaton dropped off the 19-year-old at her apartment. Afterwards, the 19-year-old went to the drugstore to purchase "Plan B," according to the other female staffer.
  • Slaton's employee disclosed to the other female staffer that she did, in fact, have sex with her boss and surrendered her virginity to him.

April 3, 2023

  • Early in the week, the other female staffer said Representative Slaton came by her office and made a concerted effort to approach her and say, "Nice to see you again," which made her feel so uncomfortable that she started crying, fearing retaliation by Representative Slaton.
  • After returning to his office, the other female staffer recalls hearing that Representative Slaton was kissing the 19-year-old and flirting with her.

The suspicious emails

  • At some point on April 3, Representative Slaton showed his 19-year-old staffer what appeared to be an email intended to blackmail him. He prefaced presenting her the email by saying, "I don't want to scare you, but you have every right to know."
  • Curiously, the message used almost identical verbiage about the 19-year-old staffer "owning him."
  • The 19-year-old staffer understood the email to imply "that someone knew Slaton and Sophie A. had sex and that nothing would happen as long as she and her friends keep quiet."
  • The 19-year-old staffer also admitted that the threatening email Representative Slaton showed her made her "really fearful that [she] would potentially lose [her] job."
  • The email instilled enough fear in both Slaton's 19-year-old and the other female staffer that "they panicked and stayed up all night trying to decide what to do."

A fellow House member calls Slaton

  • A member of the Texas House called Representative Slaton, asking if the rumors about Slaton having sex with the 19-year-old were true. Slaton replied to the member, answering, "Yes, that's true."
  • Slaton also complained that he "made a mistake, and now it seems like everyone's against me."

April 5, 2023

  • The other female staffer approached the 19-year-old and said, "Don't freak out, but the entire Freedom Caucus has found out about what happened."
  • Later that evening, Representative Slaton called the 19-year-old and told her that he was not going to work the next day, Budget Day, and suggested that she should not go either. He reassured her, saying, "Everything would be fine" and "You won't lose your job."

April 3 - April 5: Slaton, Texas Scorecard strategize behind the scenes

Shortly after a meeting on April 4:The Republican Party of Texas received a generous donation of $100,000 from Jonathan Stickland's Defend Texas Liberty PAC.Two days later, on April 6, Tim Dunn, the primary financier of Defend Texas Liberty PAC, contributed an additional $35,000 to the Republican Party of Texas.

As the saying goes, "It's not the crime, it's the cover-up." we have obtained exclusive details about Representative Slaton's recent scandal from several reliable sources. According to our sources, between April 3 and April 5, Representative Slaton held a meeting with his financial backers, political advisors, friendly bloggers, unregistered lobbyists, and legal advisors to discuss how best to conceal his sexual relationship with a 19-year-old.

The meeting, according to sources, took place at an Airbnb rented by a Texas Scorecard employee, where Representative Slaton admitted to everything that had been rumored about him. Understandably, his team of advisors was not pleased with his behavior. His political consultant, Luke Macias, reportedly gave him a stern rebuke for his actions. Our source confirms that this was the only discussion of Slaton's wrongdoing during the meeting.

Immediately following the meeting, the Texas Scorecard team went into self-preservation mode. They plotted and schemed which lawyers would represent which legislative staffers, with the intent of delaying, denying, and obstructing any investigatory proceedings that might take place in the coming days.

Lawyering up

Former State Representative Jonathan Stickland's "Defend Texas Liberty" PAC supposedly agreed to retain a lawyer for the other female staffer, who would undoubtedly be considered a "whistleblower" in the eyes of the General Investigation Committee. Though not said aloud, it was clear the lawyer was to coach the whistleblower's testimony in hopes they could save Representative Slaton.

Texas Scorecard lawyer Tony MacDonald was supposedly ordered to provide counsel for the five male employees of Representative Slaton.

Keep their networks deaf, dumb, defiant, and divisive

The group wasted no time in tapping their influential contacts within the far-right to aid them in their mission. They sought the assistance of Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi, to be tasked with creating distractions, misdirections, and delays to impede other conservative groups including the Texas GOP from responding before, during, or after the investigation. It was rumored that financial resources would be provided to support Chairman Rinaldi's efforts.

Shortly after the meeting on April 4:
The Republican Party of Texas received a generous donation of $100,000 from Jonathan Stickland's Defend Texas Liberty PAC.

Two days later, on April 6, Tim Dunn, the primary financier of Defend Texas Liberty PAC, contributed an additional $35,000 to the Republican Party of Texas.

Source: Texas Republican Initiative

April 10 - Slaton's lawyer releases statement

The statement from attorney Patrick Short accuses Current Revolt of a "second-tier media that make false claims against Representative Slaton."

Bryan Slaton Lawyer Letter

May 5 - Release of GI Report

Committee report corroborates source details of Slaton plan devised between April 3-5.

Bryan Slaton understood his assignment

The GI report acknowledged the following tactics employed by Representative Slaton:

"Slaton's counsel has demanded delayed deadlines in our process."
As a threshold matter, Slaton's counsel has vigorously and repeatedly urged the dismissal of the complaints on the grounds that the complained-of behavior did not occur in the workplace but rather at Slaton's Austin residence.

Tony McDonald understood his assignment

According to the GI report, the panel concluded that the Law Firm of Tony McDonald advised Representative Slaton's 5 male staffers to obstruct their investigation. The report states this in a clear and definitive manner:

"All five male employees of Slaton obstructed the committee's investigation by refusing to meet with the independent investigator for an interview at her request."
"The Committee further concludes that the employees had direct knowledge of conduct constituting sexual harassment and retaliation"
Finally, the Committee concludes that the refusals by Slaton's employees to comply with Rule 15 and the Committee's rules constitute "gross misconduct" .

Sullivan tries to distance Texas Scorecard from the Representative they held secret meetings trying to protect

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It is worth mentioning that according to Sullivan's perspective, the Texas House of Representatives has only made one correct decision this session: the expulsion of a member heavily promoted by the Texas Scorecard?

Sullivan did not attempt to distance himself or the Texas Scorecard from Slaton prior to the release of the GI report. This is understandable as sources have indicated that he had prior knowledge of the events that occurred on April 1 before the General Investigation Committee initiated their investigation.

May 7 - Chairman Rinaldi urges RPT to trust the plan; stay quiet.

  • The Republican Party of Texas maintained silence regarding the Slaton investigation and his misconduct until after Slaton's resignation.
  • Rinaldi vehemently opposed any statements issued by the State Executive Committee (SREC) or the Republican Party of Texas that spoke out against Bryan Slaton.
  • Rinaldi recruited other Texas Scorecard allies within the SREC to assist him in fulfilling his commitments to Slaton's group, which seem to be in return for monetary compensation to RPT.

Majority of SREC starts to rebel against Matt Rinaldi

Following the release of the GI report on May 5, members of the RPT SREC were left perplexed as to why Representative Slaton was not condemned by RPT.

Matt Rinaldi remained silent, causing immense frustration within the SREC. On May 7, a group of SREC members proposed releasing a statement despite Rinaldi's objections.

However, Chairman Rinaldi instructed RPT staff to distract and delay any action by the SREC.

Unfortunately, RPT Executive Director John Beckmeyer followed orders.

Garcia made a valid point. During the ongoing legislative session, Chairman Rinaldi and RPT have relentlessly targeted Speaker Dade Phelan, labeling him as a RINO, alleging that he shields child predators, and much more.

The RPT's push for submission and compliance to back Speaker Phelan was swiftly denounced by SREC members as insincere and bold hypocrisy:

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Chairman Rinaldi didn't take the criticism lightly.

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Scorecard allies jump in to provide backup for Rinaldi; offer advice they actively attack Texas House members for following.

The RPT Legislative Priorities Chairman has been known to emphasize the importance of passing all legislative priorities each session, warning that failure to do so could have dire consequences for America and Texas. In response to suggestions that the RPT remain silent on certain issues, the Chairman dismissed such notions as "ridiculous and overdramatic."

Despite the efforts of SREC members to safeguard students and teenagers in schools throughout the legislative session, they inexplicably failed to reject the exploitation of a teenage legislative staffer.

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Glover couldn't abandon her "principles" fast enough:

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Within a mere 48 hours, Jill Glover, the Legislative Priorities Chair of RPT, underwent a remarkable transformation. She swiftly transitioned from vehemently condemning predators who target teenagers to inexplicably defending one.

Jill Glover: Wait for Slaton to get kicked out, before RPT asks him to quit.

Glover continued to distort the facts of why Speaker Phelan stated he would not be issuing a comment on the investigation until after the expulsion vote Tuesday.

She also appeared to abandon the tactical approach of Chairman Rinaldi's RPT: Accuse Speaker Dade Phelan of not supporting RPT, not the opposite.

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Texas House Freedom Caucus discredits Jill Glover once and for all.

On May 7, as Rinaldi's loyal followers tirelessly defended not speaking against Representative Slaton, the conservative House Freedom Caucus broke their silence and released an official statement:

The factual report from the House General Investigations Committee regarding Rep. Bryan Slaton is appalling. The abhorrent behavior described in the report requires clear and strong action. He should resign. If he does not, we will vote to expel him Tuesday.

The Freedom Caucus statement provided the necessary ammunition for SREC members to completely discredit both Glover and Chairman Rinaldi.

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SREC Members disobey Rinaldi, RPT Leadership; release a statement on their own.

On Sunday, May 7... the majority of SREC members released an unofficial statement demanding Bryan Slaton's resignation:

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Reactions to the SREC statement noticed the absence of RPT Leadership

Current Revolt reminds everyone that they kept receipts

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May 8 - Representative Slaton Resigns

11:38 AM: Jill Glover publishes absurd statement

Glover's statement telegraphs the post-resignation plan of the far-right. (emphasis ours)

The Texas House Investigative Committee released their findings on Representative Slaton Friday, and the results clearly describe reprehensible, predatory acts towards his young female staffer. Appropriately, the House recommends expulsion, and I am in wholehearted agreement. It would be in everyone's best interest for Mr. Slaton to resign, saving taxpayer time and avoiding further public humiliation. The House Committee has done a difficult job well, and I appreciate their serious deliberation.

What is particularly egregious in this situation is the power differential between an older, married state representative and a young staffer dependent upon him for employment.

Furthermore, according to the House investigation, he could be criminally liable for offering a minor alcohol prior to these acts.

Elected officials are entrusted by the public to follow the law they are privileged to influence.

They are under public scrutiny more than most as they participate in the God ordained institution of government, intended to be just.

Those who hold themselves out to be conservative Christians will be appropriately under the most scrutiny. In a secular world, those without God rejoice in evil and ridicule when Christians fail. We are called to be salt and light and the hands and feet of Jesus, and to expose evil and when we fail, we hurt the cause of Christ.

Sin, particularly sexual sin, is ugly and has many repercussions. In this case, Mr. Slaton's actions affect not only the young woman, but his staff, his family, friends, constituents, colleagues, and the voters of Texas. There are far-reaching ripple effects that harm innocents.

When others fail in a public manner, it is right to respond publicly. However, it is also right to respond from a place of humility, knowing that all of us, particularly those in a public position, are equally susceptible to sin. Satan roams and seeks those to devour, and when we are prideful and self-righteous, we are vulnerable.

For all elected officials and those who are frequently at the Capitol, we know the temptation of power, access, and money. We know there is much more sin that is not caught, that is covered up, that is tolerated. We also know that the citizens suffer for this behavior.

Mr. Slaton perhaps is more fortunate than most because he got caught. He will suffer consequences that afford him personal opportunity to repent and hopefully begin the long process of healing deep fractures with his family and friends. I grieve for the young woman and those affected as well as Mr. Slaton and the damage that has occurred and am angry at the severe harm done and timing of these events. Yet, there is a Healer who binds all wounds.

I also pray that we all soberly reflect on our own sin, and pledge to hold each other accountable. I pray that other transgressions that occur by other elected officials also come to light and are dealt with accordingly. Unrepented sin in any house causes destruction. I pray that the whole seat of government in Texas will yield to God who is Holy and fulfill His mandate to rule justly.

Jill Glover
Chair, Legislative Priorities Committee

12:40 PM: Slaton's resignation leaked to Texas Scorecard

  • Slaton's letter failed to take personal accountability or responsibility, and did not express any remorse or regret to his constituents, staff, supporters, or allies.
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12:48 PM: RPT issues their first and only statement on Representative Slaton's behavior.

Similar to Glover's statement, the RPT's response also reveals their strategic intent to seek retribution following Representative Slaton's resignation. (emphasis added)

Austin, TX, Release: May 8, 2023 — For Immediate Release

Representative Bryan Slaton officially resigned from the Texas House of Representatives today. Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi released the following statement:

“The Republican Party of Texas commends the Texas House for responding swiftly and appropriately to the reprehensible actions of Representative Slaton. The misconduct described in the General Investigative Committee Report should never be tolerated and is proper grounds for expulsion. These actions have betrayed the trust that the people of Representative Slaton’s district put in him as an elected official, and he has rightly resigned. We are encouraged that this investigation signals that the House has entered a new era of accountability where all members will be held to the same fair and high standards.

Within 30 minutes: Chairman Rinaldi took the time to celebrate election results. (link)

Within 30 hours: Chairman Rinaldi took the time to comfort the families of Allen, Texas (link)

Within 30 days: Chairman Rinaldi couldn't string together 3 words against Bryan Slaton's grooming of a teenager.

Slaton and Scorecard aligned SREC Members abandon their arguments 12 hours after making them.

In a stunning turn of events, SREC members have reversed their stance from May 7th, prohibiting RPT from issuing a statement and are instead advocating for the House process in the interest of "due process."

On May 8th, they opposed commending the work of the Texas House, because Slaton resigned.

Glover and Rinaldi reveal retaliatory plot for Slaton being removed from the Texas House

How to make Bryan Slaton a martyr. 

Over the past few days, supporters of Slaton and Texas Scorecard have resorted to whataboutism as a means of defending the Representative keeping his position.

Statements released by RPT Legislative Priorities Chair Jill Glover and RPT Chair Matt Rinaldi both alluded to the same strategy.

Here's the template:

  • Step 1: Unearth evidence to substantiate other alleged affairs, with most talk suggesting that these affairs involve two members.
  • Step 2: Disclose the information to media outlets that are supportive of the cause, allowing them to expose the misconduct.
  • Sept 3: Demand an investigation and/or expulsion of those members, by conflating their actions to Representative Slaton having sex with a teenager.
  • Step 4: In the event that the House fails to expel Slaton, falsely accuse the Speaker of hypocrisy. Assert that Slaton was only expelled because he was one of the few "true conservatives" in the legislature.

Poof! In an instant, Slaton transforms into a martyr.

Slaton aligned SREC members revealed the strategy Rinaldi and Glover confirmed via statements May 8.

More than a few members on SREC, all pro-Slaton and Texas Scorecard aligned, seem to have a clear agenda: to deflect any valid criticisms by employing whataboutism.

SREC Member Naomi Narviaz blames victim of sexual assault for being sexually assaulted

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Ok, so the RPT is in disarray, what are Slaton's support groups doing?

Texas Scorecard

Michael Quinn Sullivan appears to be employing a deliberate strategy of ignoring the recent resignation, opting instead to direct his outrage towards Texas House members for swiftly advancing a gun regulation bill out of committee a mere 48 hours after a tragic mass shooting in the state.

What's wrong with that?

They're not applying the "principles" they claim to stand for, specifically personal responsibility and accountability.

It's understandable, considering sources have confirmed they've been closely tied to aiding in the coordination of covering up the scandal, members of RPT SREC trying to stop any criticism of Representative Slaton, and employing their usual sleight of hand tricks.

What sleight of hand tricks?

Saying the Texas House made the "correct" decision expelling Slaton, while ignoring the reality his affiliates were plotting a scheme to save Representative Slaton from facing the "correct" decision.

Texas Scorecard has a track record of giving insincere compliments. In this video, Texas Scorecard host Luke Macias can be seen applauding former Representative Dennis Bonnen's speakership and hailing it as a "victory for conservatives."

... and then they shanked Bonnen in less than a year, ultimately forcing his resignation.

Scorecard has also feigned apologies for supporting candidates who no longer support their agenda in its entirety. Here's Luke Macias apologizing for running Representative Giovanni Capriglione's campaign, because he didn't fully support their agenda on gun rights.

... Still no word if Texans can expect another sanctimonious apology from Macias, for his role in sending a groomer of a teenager to Austin.

A note from the editors

Dear Reader,

As our journey behind the scenes of the Bryan Slaton scandal comes to an end, a glaring truth emerges—a truth that demands our attention and compels us to speak out. Texas Scorecard and their allies, with their masterful manipulation of the truth and their artful dance of double-speak, have demonstrated that their interests lie not in principled leadership, but in a carefully crafted illusion that captivates conservatives.

We have witnessed the perplexing phenomenon of Texas Scorecard's network, an cadre that claims to champion conservative values and transparency, expertly talking out of both sides of their mouth. Their hollow promises and contradictory actions have left us questioning their integrity, their motives, and their true dedication to the principles they espouse.

Throughout our investigations, the present scandal stands out as a striking example. It exposed the depths of their willingness to manipulate and deceive, putting their own interests above the very ideals they claim to uphold. It is clear that conservatives, and those who align themselves with their organizations, deserve better advocates—advocates that are genuine, principled, and committed to the cause they claim to champion.

It is time for conservatives to demand more. It is time for us to cast aside the allure of smoke and mirrors and seek new advocation that embodies the principles we hold dear. Authenticity, transparency, and unwavering dedication to conservative values should be the pillars upon which our leaders stand. Conservatives deserve advocates who do not merely pretend to be principled, but who embody those principles in every action they take.

Let this be a call to action—a call for change, for growth, and for a new era of true leadership. As we conclude our journey, we implore those who have been captivated by the Texas Scorecard network's orchestrated manipulation of the truth to look beyond the facade. Seek leaders who inspire with their unwavering commitment, leaders who prioritize the interests of the people over their own self-serving agendas.

It is only through a collective demand for authenticity, accountability, and genuine leadership that we can move forward. The time has come to unmask the veiled deceit and steer our course toward a brighter future—a future where the conservative movement is guided by leaders of true conviction, leaders who lead not by pretense, but by principle.

Together, let us rise above the smoke and mirrors, charting a path toward genuine leadership that serves the true interests of the people. The power lies within us to demand better, to hold our leaders accountable, and to shape a future worthy of our principles.

It is our hope conservatives embrace our call for change and forge ahead, guided by leaders who embody the authenticity and unwavering commitment that they deserve. The time for transformation is now, and must start by rejecting the charlatans within the Republican Party of Texas and every conservative organization across Texas.

DISCLAIMER: Texas Scorecard Confessions is NOT affiliated, associated, endorsed by, or in any way connected with Texas Scorecard. The Texas Scorecard website can be found at